"Christian, remember your dignity!"
Pope St. Leo the Great
Faith, Film, and Fellowship!
Join us for our monthly Ministry Movie Nights, where we come together for an evening of great films, meaningful conversations, and fun fellowship! Featured movies will spark discussions on faith, values, and life’s big questions — all in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Come for the movie, and stay for the free popcorn, candy, soft drinks, and snacks!
Bring a friend and enjoy a night of entertainment and reflection.
University Ministry, in collaboration with the Saint Leo Theology and Religion Department, hosts its monthly Ministry Movie Nights event in Selby Auditorium (located in Lewis Hall). Each event typically begins with a brief introduction by a member of the Theology and Religion faculty, followed by the movie screening, which starts promptly at 7:00 PM and usually concludes between 9:00 and 9:30 PM. For films with a runtime of 3+ hours, the event may begin earlier, so please check the final schedule on Engage Leo or our website to confirm the start time.
Since the event's inception in 2023, it has been our tradition to let students involved in Ministry select the films we show. Below are the films that have been selected by our students and approved by Ministry for Spring '25:
If you experience any issues with the RSVP links connected to Engage Leo, please don't hesitate to reach out. For more information about our Ministry Movie Night events for the Spring 2025 semester, you can email Campus Minister Mary Worhacz at [email protected] or Director of University Ministry Kevin Floyd at [email protected].