"Christian, remember your dignity!"
Pope St. Leo the Great
Join us for a night of friends, faith, fun, FREE PIZZA, SALAD, COOKIES, and Conversation!
Once a month (on average), University Ministry hosts an engaging theological guest speaker to talk about living out the Christian faith in our everyday lives.
All Theology Thursday events for the Spring Semester, except for the January session, will be held in TECO Hall, located in the Tapia College of Business building.
Because of scheduling issues, the January session will take place in the Southard Room which is located on the 1st floor of the Daniel A Cannon Memorial Library.If you experience any issues with the RSVP links connected to Engage Leo, please don't hesitate to reach out. For more information about our Theology Thursday events for the Spring 2025 semester, you can email Campus Minister Mary Worhacz at [email protected] or Director of University Ministry Kevin Floyd at [email protected].